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    Some awesome webcomics you would do well to check out!

    Cyanide & HappinessCyanide & Happiness

    Your daily dose of awesome.




    Animations about all sorts of things… and doodie.



    Dr. McNinjaThe Adventures of Dr. McNinja

    All you need to know is this: Dr. McNinja is a doctor who is also a ninja.



    Loading ArtistLoading Artist

    Brilliant comic with excellent drawings.



    Observe To ExistObserve To Exist

    Daily webcomic full of win.




    Weekly webcomic, with lots of rude stuff!



    Romantic ApocalypticRomantic Apocalyptic




    Scenes From a MultiverseScenes From a Multiverse

    Bizarre and yet amazing daily webcomic!





    So wrong, but so right.



    The Big Lez Show

    The Big Lez Show

    An awesome Aussie cartoon. Big Lez, Sassy, Donny and more get up to all kinds of antics!

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