• Taking a break

    by  • February 15, 2013 • News • 0 Comments

    Hi readers. Yes, all three of you.

    Just giving you all a heads up that Crazy Reg and Super Doodle are taking a wee break. It is most likely that there will not be a comic update for a short while. Maybe a month. Maybe two. But fear not, Crazy Reg and Super Doodle will undoubtedly be back, crack and sack before you can say “POIWCK!” After all, the Epic Underwater Saga is still on the go and I’m sure no one cares to see what happens to Crazy Reg and Super Doodle now that they have entered Atlantass. And what the hell is with Super Doodle’s shaft gills and that fin that has grown on his shaft!?! Plus Father Clam still needs to get hold of The Omni-Potent Sceptre of The Spores and do god knows what with it! All shall be revealed in good time.

    Keep track of the poogress via the site here, the Facebook page, Twitter or on Google+.

    May the foreskin be with you.


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